Condo Fees Toronto & GTA Ranks. Low Price Segment

Toronto & & GTA Neighbourhoods. Average Condo Fees, Market Values, Condo Rental Price

Low Market Value Segment

The most Financially Efficient Condominiums of Toronto & GTA

& Property Management Companies of those Benchmarking Condos

Low price $700 psf and less

Average Condo Fees

$ 0.67 psf / month

Maintenance Fees Levels:

  1. Exceptionally high budget $1.3/psf and higher
  2. Very high budget $1.0 – $1.3 psf

  3. High budget $0.7 – $1.0 psf

  4. Average budget $0.5 – $0.7 psf

  5. Low budget $0.5 psf and less

Indicators’ order on the map:

Condo Name

Registered, Year

Market Value, $ per SF/(12*Maintenance Fees, $ psf)

Maintenance Fees, $ psf

Market Price, $ psf

Ranking based on Value to Cost Indicator: Market Value, $ psf/ Annual Maintenance Fees, $ psf