Request to be listed in Condo Management Service Finder

Condo Management Services Finder

Register me for

Condo Management Services Finder

of condo-benchmarking.ca

2 months FREE service or One time fee are available!

Go to the full page to view and submit the form.

“Condo Management Service Finder” 

is free for Condo Boards but there is a membership fee for management companies.

There are two options: 1. one-time fee – for an application or 2. Monthly subscription

(Quarterly and Annual subscription will be available later) for unlimited applications and promotion that includes automatic notification about each request of the Board, delivering extra materials about that company success:

case studies, their managed condos’ photos or videos representing the company’s distinction etc by company’s choice

Now, there is 2 month free trial subscription which might be cancelled any time or 1 time fee.