Condo Fees Interactive Ranking, Statistics&Trends

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All Toronto & GTA Condos are on your Palms

Find the best Condo to live, to invest or to rent

Toronto Condos
Interactive Ranking,
Statistics & Trends

Do you know?

3 % Condos Increased their Fees 

for 71% - 138.6%
About 88%

of Toronto & GTA condos have

a Cap Rate lower than 3 % per Year 

~ 10 % Condos decreased their Fees by

1.5% - 29% 29%

during the first 3 years after registration

Your informed choice makes a big difference on your expenses and on your incomes

during the first 3 years after registration

Compare Toronto & GTA Condos

by CapRate, Market Values Growth, ROI
And go to Realtor's website to check what is on sale in that building 


1.Check the past statistics
2. Check the best and the worst practice
3. Select a Condo for Benchmarking and monitor the progress or
4. Invite the best condo managers

Compare Condo Fees

And find the best Property Manager here or start a Tender at www.condo-fairtender.ca
the best Property Managers will be able to decrease your condo fees increasing its efficiency