Best condo management practice exhibition - East York
for Condo Directors, Condo Owners – to Invite Condo Management &
for Condo Management Companies/ and Managers – to showcase their Best Practice
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*A number of cases does not reflect a rank. It is just a reference number for Condo Directors Choice and Inquiries
2013 year. 364 Units/ 12 flor
Award-winning building. The condo complex took home five awards in 2009. The smallest unit is 1,400 SF and the largest 1650 SF. Created by Aspen Ridge Homes and designed by Page + Steele One side of the 12-storey edifice is rounded, as the architects worked with the existing landscape in order to create the building’s design. The amenities include a fantastic fitness, which also equipped with yoga and personal training studios, as well as its indoor saltwater swimming pool and sauna. The building also boasts a party room, games room, terrace, and concierge.
Condo Fee $0.65 psf/month vs Av. Market Value $897 psf
Condo Management Major Achievements!
Condo building bill includes heat, water, air-conditioning. Amenities are rich and greatly maintained for $0.65 psf/month. Units stay on sale just 10 days
1988 year. 106 Units/ 5 flors
Condo Fee $0.73 psf/month vs Av. Market Value $678 psf
Condo Management Major Achievements!
Condo building bill includes heat, water, air-conditioning, hydro. Amenities are rich and greatly maintained for $0.73 psf/month. Units stay on sale just 24 days
Information is updated as of March 24, 2021
CondoBI materials are based on Real Estate data available to public. Data is updating once a month. CondoBI is not responsible for any errors, omissions etc. All data and references are just to let condo owners, directors, condo managers and management companies some comparable information to use for condo management improvements.
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