Check and Compare your Condo Against Others

Check and Compare Your Condo Main Financial indicators
against Others

Interactive tool to compare Condo Fees, Market Value, VCI. Toronto & GTA Condos

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Condo' KPIs:
  • MF, $ psf      

Current Maintenance Fee, $/ per SF, based on current Year information available to the public, updating once a month

  • MV, $ psf  

Average Condo Market Value, $/ per SF, based on a current Condo sale information available to the public, updating once a month

  • AMFG, %/Y  

Average Annual Condo Maintenance Fee Growth, %/ per Year based on sale information available to the public, updating once a month

  • AMVG, %Y  

Average Annual Condo Market Value Growth, %/ per Year based on  sale information available to the public, updating once a month

  • MF, $ psf      

Current Maintenance Fee, $/ per SF, based on current Year information available to the public, updating once a month

  • MV, $ psf  

Average Condo Market Value, $/ per SF, based on a current Condo sale information available to the public, updating once a month

  • AMFG, %/Y  

Average Annual Condo Maintenance Fee Growth, %/ per Year based on sale information available to the public, updating once a month

  • AMVG, %Y  
  • VCI

Average Market Value of a Condo, $ per square foot to Annual Condo Fees, $ per square foot

that might facilitate condo boards and owners in a comparison  process and understanding which condo building spends less to maintain a decent market value of a condo. It might be helpful in Property Management Company / or Property Manager selection.

5 Condo Price Segments:
  1. Exceptionally High Value Segment  – Av Market value $1500 and less per sf;

  2. Very High Value Segment – Av Market value $1350 – $1500 per sf;

  3. High Value Segment – Av Market value $1000 – $1500 per sf;

  4. Average Value Segment – Av Market value   $700 – $1000 per sf;

  5. Low  Value Segment – Av Market Value $700 and less psf.